


I did an incredible job.

I reduced the stupidity of judgement in my life. It took many, many years.

I hated it in school. I hated it in jobs (when I was in worklife, 200 centuries ago), I hate it in art (how to compare lemons with oranges?), and happily I escaped that madness. At least for a short while.

One day, some heart with low selfesteem and even lower awareness, invented the comment-tool for antisocial networks in the digital illusion.

Suddenly the insanity of school judgment and competition-systems was back in my life. Well, at least in my virtual life.

It is hard to believe what people do or shall do, to be „liked“ - and get some good ranking. As if any ranking would define any heart at all.

Doesn't „ranking“ just mean, that you become or get perfect liars?

Do you really believe, a ranking system could tell anything about living beings or life itself?

Actually it is a terrible return into times, where you have been a child slave, raped by adult expectations.

Welcome back in the preasure prison. Welcome back in school humiliation.

Be aware:

No matter what you ever do – you will stay unranked forever.

Life loves and challanges every heart.

No special treatment for fitting in or being nice, Smiley.


(Vigor Calma, 2019


#judgment #judgy #compare #comptetition #ranking #rank #preasure #vigorcalma #equality