CatTree. Acrylic and oil on canvas. 118 X 190 cm. 2018.


Since nature, silence and sunshine are essential aspects of my every day life, the universe of inner pictures, forms, structures, dynamics and stories expands.

This painting startet, when Iwas lying in bed, in warm sunshine, and was imagining flowing cats. Next, a tree appeared in this image. Some kind of „meetingpoint for cats“, where they come together to drift through the sky.

Because I had never seen anything like that, and inspired by the beauty of some Ghibli-Movies, I thought: „Why not?“

And a „why not?“ is mostly a good start for a painting.

I made a first try in 2017, on a small canvas – and failed. The second try had to be on a larger scale. In February 2018 I prepared a canvas of 1290 X 200 centimeters. And from the first moment everything fell in its place.


Every painting happens in special light situations. „CatTree“ was painted mainly in nighttimes. It became a pretty soft painting, and looks very pastell at daytime. In eveninghours under electric light it gains a complete different energy. Of course this is just my subjective feeling.But I would call this a „night painting“, which will spread its magic best after sunset. 


Useless to write, that no digital picture on your screen can catch the real magic and energy of this breathing and alive meditation tool.