manual for seeing vigor's mirrors

Get in contact with a Vigor Calma artwork

  • What you see in this painting?
  • Does anything in you respond to the seen?
  • What comes first in your mind, when you feel it?
  • In the painting is much more, than you can see in the first moment. What you think, why this special aspect jumps at you first?
  • Could you find words for what it does to you?
  • Do you feel attraction or distance to the painting?
  • Can you see the painting as a soulmirror? As something, that reflects your emotions, which aren‘t reflected by normals mirrors? Is there something you feel as related to you?
  • Do you feel the wish to compare the painting to other art you know? Why?
  • Do you think, you see everything in the painting - or how long do think you will need to see everything on it?
  • If you would like to make it yours: how would you name it?
  • What would this painting do in the room you spend most of your time?
  • Imagine the painting as a friend, you invited to your home. Would its visit be a pleasure or a challenge?
  • Close your eyes, remember the painting. Did it leave a trace?

"These questions are a concrete reaction to some questions in the internet on "how to perceive art".

Different to my questions, those questions on the artpage were pretty much the same, like a test in school would be rated.

Let me say it straight:

I don‘t want you or anybody to rate my meditation tools.

If you don‘t like it: never mind. It wasn‘t made for you, then.
For sure it is pretty hard do get a connection to one single object or painting, while billion other objects and pictures want your attention. This questions are only made for the one person who feels a connection. Then, an only when you feel a wish to get a closer look, you may use this questions to go deeper. "